Date: Sept, 08 to Nov, 08

Theme: Daily life Chemistry

Students' work: [Outstanding Groups] [Video@Heep Woh Campus TV]   

Objective: Let students know more about chemistry in the environment around them


1.    Grouping (within class) (8/9 to 12/9)

2.   Title setting (16/9 to 19/9)

        A.   Topic: Daily life Chemistry

        B.   Sub-topics: Food (4E), Clothes (4D), Transportation (4C)

        C.   Data collecting or simple experiment should be included in the investigation

        D.   Discuss with teachers

        E.   Oral project plan: Objective, methodology, time frame, expected result

3.   3.    Investigation (22/9 to 17/10)

        A.   Laboratory support (very simple apparatus will be provided, but no laboratory session can be provided)

        B.   Irregular meeting

        C.   References provided

        D.   Difficulty encountered

        4.   Conclusion (20/10 to 24/10)

        A.   Expected result

        B.   Unexpected result

        C.   Development (if any)

        5.   Report/ presentation (27/10 to 31/10)

        A.   Presentation means: report + presentation in class

        B.   Marks included in mid-term report.

        C.   Notice board (2nd term)

 5.  6.   Photos

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