The Scheme Proposal



The Piloting Scheme for Secondary Schools - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Dual Program is targeted at providing an alternative pathway for students who are gifted in certain areas so that they can:

(1)    spend most of their time at secondary schools for a healthy, holistic personal development;

(2)    devote part of their time at HKUST studying subjects of their interest at an accelerated pace and earn university credits.


Program Structure


Students taking these courses at all levels will be recognized as CDGT students. Students taking courses at levels 2 & 3 will be recognized as HKUST Associate Students.

1.     Level 1 courses are matching courses for students with experience of accelerated study in secondary school level courses but are not quite ready for university level courses yet. Examples of Level 1 courses include accelerated (secondary level) courses in Science subjects and Mathematics. The courses are offered on weekends or long holidays for (large) groups of students.

2.     Level 2 courses are introductory university level courses (Credit-bearing) offered (mainly) in summer time for groups of well prepared students. Examples of Level 2 courses include Year 1 University level courses in Science subjects and Mathematics.

3.     Level 3 courses are advanced university level courses (Credit-bearing) for students with satisfactory performance in Level 2 courses and are interested in going further into chosen areas of study. These students will take the regular university courses with university students. Special arrangements have to be made with secondary schools as these courses are offered mostly on weekdays.



4D WONG KA YI ¶À¹Å©É Biology
4D LEE CHEUK HIN §õ¨ô°a Biology
4D LAM HO LIM ªLµq·G Biology
4E CHAN CHUN YAN ³¯¹mªY Chemistry
4D HSU LOK YU ®}¼Ö·ì Chemistry
4E YE JINGWEN ¸­¹t¶² Mathematics
4D WONG TSZ YEUNG ¶ÀÑS´­ Mathematics
4E LAU TAT FAI ¼B¹F½÷ Mathematics
4D HO WING YIN ¦ó¥Ã½å Mathematics
4E KU LOK WAI ¥j¼Öºû Physics
4A LEE KA HANG §õ¹ÅùÚ Physics
4D WONG CHUN FUNG ¶À¶i¾W Physics
